Thursday, April 15, 2010

5 Weeks

Today is the first day of this blog and the start of my official countdown to graduation. I have come to the conclusion that I want to keep track of some of the events that happen in the final days here at Maryland and this was one fun way of doing it. I wish I could tell about the adventures we all had in the previous, three almost four, years but I feel as though the alcohol I have consumed (mostly at turtle) will not allow me to recall every event. The days of those drunken turtle nights, random parties or Thursday nights at L-Town that ended in throwing up in the bathroom, or on some nights that just ANY ROOM are coming to an end and I hope to have some more of those in these last five weeks to tell you all about. These might not be like the nights that end with 7th floor lounge throwing up in the garbage can, or on the bike racks outside of stamp, but I hope that I will at least have several more rough nights in these waning days, or at least someone will so I can tell you all about it.

Today was a very simple day filled with the normal waking up and thinking this could not possibly be my alarm telling me I have to wake up because my bedroom is about eight degrees outside of my warm and cozy covers and there is no way that any single person has ever been as comfortable as I am at this moment. But of course I had to get up to utter disappointment. After getting up and doing a quick thirty dollar Psych study because after all we have no money and those turtle nights and spicy chic-fil-a sandwiches don't come free (HOLY CRAP what if they did,) it was off to class for a quiz and then plain old lets pretend to pay attention while on my computer time! We all know this time where you have your laptop in class and you pick that perfect time (normally the beginning) in a small lecture hall to raise your hand say one thing of actual substance because you have been paying attention for those first thirty eight seconds, and then move on to looking at ESPN, Collegehumor, or look at every single picture of every single friend you know, might know, or think you might have a cousins friends boyfriends friend in common with on Facebook. This of course happened in each and every single class I had today and for that matter this semester.

Now I am at the place of my work and most likely yours too... Drum roll please... The Adele H. Stamp Student Union! This is going to be a typical day, with laptops, keys, letting people into rooms, maybe hearing stupid tour guides that think the dean of women from the 1920s named Adele is a man and the fact that they have no idea what the middle name is, probably Hank or something. I am also going to wait here and see if I can call the undergraduate physics department and then transfer Jane Hessing to herself to create an alternate world of just... Jane Hessing. Work will hopefully end as quickly as possible even with the lack of Learning to Fly or watching scores upon scores of south park episodes online. Once work is over it will be officially the weekend.

Tonight will be that of pre-gaming until I can't feel my face anymore because I do not, yep you guessed it, want to spend any money what-so-ever. This will of course result in me taking out a twenty, going to turtle, paying cover, and with that fifteen dollars left over buying my weight in cherry bombs after a round has been bought for me against my will. I guess I will have to return the favor, and then so will the other 13 people that participated who also probably did not want the cherry bomb in the first place. Ever since they changed it to that blood colored UV Vodka the Cherry Bombs have never been the same.

So I leave you here with the possibilities, strong possibilities, of a Ratsie's night and spending all the money that I told you I would not spend tonight, but hey at least tomorrow is pay day! 5 weeks to go...

1 comment:

  1. I want the truf...can you give me da truf? Cause I need da truf... and so does Jane Hessing 2 through 30.

