Friday, April 16, 2010

4 Weeks 6 Days

Here we are with 4 weeks and 6 days left and we already have a turtle entry which of course I know you could not be more excited about. To my amazement I did not spend every last cent I ever could have at turtle, probably do in part to the fact that cherry bombs were literally not thrown in my face and then unwillingly consumed by yours truly. The lack of thousands of cherry bombs really makes the difference on my wallet. Also, turtle has surprise... two dollar rails... which i had only one of because I had plenty of beers before taking part in the wonderful get sweaty, get mad, yell at people for not saying excuse me, dance like an ass, and talk about how there are only freshmen here besides us, moments at the bar. Turtle has also figured out that if you do not tell people the specials or write them anywhere that people will probably buy beer and spend much more than they ever should. It is going to be a sad day when I stop complaining about a three dollar beer and start complaining about the eight dollar bud light at the bars in the real world. Overall I had a great time last night from playing beerpong to bumping and grinding my nuts on my friends' butts and pelvis regions, cause that is the natural thing to do. There will be many many more turtle entries so don't worry guys, it won't end here.

So i woke up to my first Friday of this lovely blog to the wonderfulness of going to all you can eat sushi. I am guessing that when they see someone of my size come in they get a little worried that i will try to put them out of business. Also, being a poor college kid you better bet that my $12.50 will go for all it is worth and that they should be thankful that I didn't start taking chairs out of that place, or at least entire trays of sushi. The food was great but I felt really full after, but of course I had to indulge in some ritas and stuff my face further with custard and water ice. I mean come on guys I'm trying to watch my weight so I figure the burning of calories from putting the spoon into the cup and lifting the heavy, yet delicious, water ice and custard into my mouth will more then enough burn every single calorie that I have ever eaten in my entire college career.

After the eating had finished we decided to put boneless ribs in a slow cooker because there is no doubt that even after eating the pacific ocean's fish population in its entirety, we still are probably going to need to eat a full pig on a bun, with BBQ sauce. It was so crazy good (Kudos to Sarah!), like salivating right now good, even though i have probably had about 13 pounds of food today and I am still drooling.

So now comes the end of my post where I tell more about what I will do tonight, which pretty much has yet to be determined but is looking like a make-shift video games drinking game where I will probably all of a sudden hit a brick wall in the drunk factor and then become unable to function. Maybe tonight will be the night that my face actually does melt off from drinking. I will let you all know (I'm sure the suspense is killing you)! 4 weeks 6 days...

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